My List
Captain with Jump Pack and Power Weapon
Assault Termis x5
Death Company x5 with a chaplain and Rhino
Tactical Squad x10 with heavy bolter and melta gun. sergeant had a power sword
Death Company Dreadnought with two blood talons
Land Speeder with Asscan and Heavy bolter
Predator- autocannon and heavy bolter sponsons
devs with plasma cannon, RPG, Hbolters, lascanon and power sword
His List
Captain with relic blade
10 Terminators with 2 assault cannons equipped
x4 10 man tactical sq. with RPG and either a melta gun or flamer
(The mission was annihilation with kill points)
I deployed all my tanks (whirlwind and predator), my tactical squad and devs. I wanted to get my devs in a nearby tall building as quickly as possible because i needed them in cover. I kept everything else in reserve. He deployed his termis and a tactical squad.
The Battle:
He had a small list but it was very powerful. For the first 3 turns i concentrated my predator and whirlwind fire on his termis. I had to get most of them down before they got to my side but there 2+ save only left 2 of them dead. I know, I was surprised too. My land Speeder was shot up in the first turn. In turn 2 I brought in my termis, only for them to get shot up and killed by his who stayed in the center of the board for the whole game. They would occasionally fall back an inch or 2 to stay out of my death company and dread's range of assault. My whirlwind and predator were destroyed by RPG fire by the 2rd turn and my devs were killed by a flanking tactical sq. that I didn't notice coming up until they started to kill by devs. There were only 2 in the sq by the time that they had to to fall back. In the 4th turn my death company dread assaulted the commander and left it with 2 wounds. It then assaulted the termis and was "destroyed". The blast did nothing to the commander and terminators. In the fifth turn, with only my rhino, death company, tactical squad and 2 devastors, I decided to rush and try and make them assault before the 6th turn had to end. The score was 5 to 0 and I knew I wasn't gonna win. My death company attacked the terminators and took out 4 more. then they were killed by the power fists. With three left in the squad I turned to my plasma cannon in the back and shot them up. It took out 2 more. The last one took a leadership test and passed it. But it still retreated in fear that it would give me a kill point. My rhino's storm bolter took out 3 more marines in a tactical sq. My tac marines were then assault by a tactical squad and which defeated them, making the score 5-1. By the end of the 5th turn, we both noticed that we still had units that we hadn't touched since the turn 4, my captain and his chaplain who were still in combat. We returned to it and my captain one, another point for me.
By the end of the game the score was 5 to 2. His army was composed of units that were both hard to kill and large in numbers. This was the perfect army for this mission. I guess for my next game I should add more troops to each of my units. I also noticed that my wargear was sometimes unnecessary for some units because the effect from the wargear was already providing by a rule, such as a rule for the death company dread that ignored "crew stunned and shaken". I added extra armor anyway because I did not read my rules. This was my first game using this army. I do admit, I need to balance my list and think out my strategies, and most of all memorize my codex.
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